Search Engine Optimization

Inbound Links And Google

For those who don’t know, inbound links are the links coming from other sites to your website. This is a webmaster stuff, so if you are not a webmaster, please excuse this post. 🙂

I was just browsing the Google Webmaster Central Blog and i came across this post “Good times with Inbound Links“.

Apparently, Google considers quality and amount of inbound links in consideration for PageRank. If a spam site or low quality site links to you, they just ignore that link and only concentrate on the quality link. I am not sure but i do not believe in this point. Google, since last year or so, has been only taking in to consideration, the paid inbound links and the low quality inbound links.

Secondly, they italic-ized the word “Relevant, Quality inbound link can effect your PageRank”. Well…Yeah…That’s true actually. However, here by the word “Effect” they meant “Decrease”. Honestly, many webmasters who lost their pageranks can confirm it. No matter how hard they worked on sites, no matter how many quality inbound links, no matter how good, unique, useful content and information they have. If your site is a directory or not owned by some world organization or government or major search engine, my friend, you cannot get a high pagerank. Bottomline.

For starts, you can see Ally Directory. Pagerank 5 initially with just one webmaster blog in it and the pretty ordinary usual directory. But then i thought that i am not offering people anything except a link on the directory. So i went ahead and made more information rich blogs. Launched free themes for every popular script. Added gadget blog, biographies, cars, humor. Made it 100 times better than before. And what PageRank would i have now? PR2!!! :mrgreen:

Honestly guys, if you are a web master, you should follow the Google Webmaster Central Blog, religiously. But when it comes to this Pagerank thing, don’t buy their CRAP! In fact don’t believe in anything about Pagerank. It’s here today, gone tomorrow! As simple as it can be!

Just believe in good quality traffic. Just earn via Adsense or similar advertising programs. Don’t think about making a blog to achieve high pagerank so that you can sell the links later on a higher price. Nothing like that will work. Traffic is the actual key to long lasting success.

Here is some important thing you should do:

  • Start a site on a niche that you are really good at.
  • Share your information and knowledge with people.
  • Create original, very very unique, compelling content.
  • Don’t do what everyone is doing. Be creative.
  • Absolutely no keyword stuffing.
  • Do not believe in PageRank tips from Google or anyone. You will stay fine!
  • Do not be afraid to write about anything, as long as you don’t mess with em legally.

I could only think of these point now. But i do expect my fellow bloggers to help me jot down more helpful point for a sucess in web world. So more to continue…..

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Best Rice Cooker - John

    Definitely a good advise, I wish I had know early before I start my general cooking site:) Then I narrow down to rice cooker since I own and cook a lot of rice, I start to see some traffic. But I make another error is hosting on, which I can’t put adsense to make some money, duh!

  2. Sharat Jaswal

    It’s never too late John.
    You have a good blog plus it’s a very rare niche. You can do a lot better had your blog not been on wordpress. Go for a good web host and use wordpress as your CMS. You will do pretty good with adsense and the likes. 🙂

  3. Amit Bhawani

    First of all – yes iam a human 😀
    WHen you had a PR5 you were selling links and when you are PR2 still you are selling links, so you didnt stop the main business even though you were penalized.
    You added content to make google feel you were not just selling links but that does not really help out 🙂
    Iam sure you are getting traffic for the content added which means you are monetizing from the traffic. Page Rank has no use originally because its just used for selling links, if you still have a lot of traffic from serps then you can monetize with other options than just looking for link sales 🙂
    Note : Iam myself confused reading my comment 😀

  4. Fun Info

    Definitely agree. Google has many algorithms for Pagerank and i prefer Traffics than Pagerank.

  5. Chetan

    Like Amit, me too Human 😀

    About webmaster stuff, I am regular reader of Google webmaster blog and regular user of Google webmaster tools too.

    Both tools are really helpfull for webmasters.

  6. Sharat Jaswal

    Amit….i got a bit confused reading your comment! 😆
    Taking the points separately, i understood that pagerank is of no use. period! 😀
    That’s what i said. And frankly, all that matters in end is traffic you get and the monetizing from that traffic! 🙂

    Chetan, earlier i though Chetan Bhawani actually made a new personal blog but only realized that it was not him. So Mr. Chetan Gole, thanks for visiting my blog and hope to see you around more often 🙂
    And yes, the two tools are pretty helpful!

  7. Amrita

    nice blog .we really thankful for having such information about web and inbound link.thanks for having such good information

  8. Harshit Singhal

    Nice post. Inbound links are the pre requirements for a good google page rank.

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